Carpet Beetles. - Website Design and Hosting

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Carpet Beetles.
The larvae are known as woolly bears and the adult looks like a small, mottled brown, grey and cream ladybird.
The adult Carpet Beetle feeds only on pollen and nectar of garden flowers but lays its eggs in old birds’ nests, when the beetle has been taken there on the feathers of birds that have brushed against the plants the beetles were feeding from. The beetles can also be brought indoors by humans and animals brushing against the plants just as easily as birds.
The beetle does not do the damage indoors to your carpet etc it is the larvae from these eggs that do the damage, which we know as woolly bears. They feed on natural fibre, such as feathers, fur, hair, or wool which is normally the first fabric you will notice they have eaten. They will always be in dark areas where they are undisturbed, mainly under seats, tv stands, plant pots etc.
Woolly bear or carpet beetle damage consists of well-defined round holes along the seams of fabric where the grubs eat the thread. Or in the case of a good quality carpet with a high % of natural wool, the grubs will be under the units eating away the carpet and leaving you with very bald patches.
Carpet beetle larvae (woolly bears).
Remedy. Try to ascertain how they entered the premises; the beetles could be anywhere but a good place to start is old bird nests or dead birds and remove them.
Clean all areas with a good vacuum, a good tip here is to empty the vacuum first, suck a small quantity of ant powder into the vacuum, this will kill any grubs or beetles that are sucked into the vacuum. Clean all areas including carpet edges, shelves in airing cupboards, wardrobes, floorboards, and where possible lift carpets and underlay and clean floor and carpet thoroughly.
Most insecticides these days are a  Permethrin which kills most insects, I don’t usually give out names of chemicals but this particular one states most crawling insects, Nippon Ant Killer (Powder puffer pack) it states on the label and I quote “The ideal treatment in difficult to reach areas.  The powder can be dusted along cracks and crevices, door and window frames and in air bricks, along ant runs and, where an ant’s nest is found, it can be used to eliminate it completely. Also works on cockroaches, beetles, earwigs, silverfish, woodlice and most other types of crawling insects.”
The point with a powder is to use less is better a light dusting is all that is required for most insects, the base chemical is the same for most DIY and Professional powders. The pest controller will obviously have access to chemicals the DIY market does not, but they all work in the same way, and if you read the labels you will find the same base chemical on ant, wasp, woodlice and many other puffer bottles with specific insect written large on the label. But remember LESS IS MORE when it comes to using any chemical, if you put too much down the insect may not go through.
Once you have vacuumed the area the ideal method is to puff a small quantity of powder under the carpet, and any insect that crawls along the edges or under the carpet will die, (we suggest this is carried out when a new carpet is about to be laid). Also, once the furniture has been positioned it will be an idea to lightly powder under the furniture in the dark areas, this will kill any insects that try to get back under.  Clean regularly but do not vacuum the areas where the powder is laying if you can help it until you are sure you have no more problems. Often, we found this problem under tv stands, where the cat would lay behind it for a bit of peace, especially where there are children.
As soon as you spot carpet beetles in your house, it’s time to get rid of them.
This type of beetle is not known to live inside your home, but they will visit and cause damage to your clothes, carpets, and even pet fur.
Though carpet beetles don’t sting or bite, they can cause plenty of damage to fabrics and furniture. Avoid using chemical pesticides and use the steps below to get rid of these bugs naturally.
Step 1 - Identify the Culprit. It is fairly easy to find carpet beetles because they leave a trail of destruction behind them. You will soon see damaged clothing and carpets which should confirm their presence. They will eat anything from wool, lint, and silk to feathers. They will also enjoy a meal of your dog's shed fur as a tasty snack.
Step 2 - Determine How They Come Inside. Carpet beetles can enter through any cracks in your siding and exterior or through open windows and doors. They will also attach themselves to your clothes when you are outdoors to hitch a ride inside, or ride along on flowers like daisies that you pick to display inside.
Once inside, they will start munching on anything they find. While they do eat any fur your pet may shed, they can also attach themselves to your pet and bite into the skin, resulting in fur loss. Carpet beetles can fly from house to house too, infesting neighbours as well.
Step 3 - Get Them in the Larvae Stage. A female carpet beetle can lay up to 100 eggs in two weeks. At larvae stage, they are furry and very different in appearance, but it in is this stage they cause the most damage. They don’t like cedar, however, so it’s a good idea to have your clothes stored in a cedar chest if carpet beetles are a persistent problem, as this can act as a deterrent for a few years. If you vacuum your house thoroughly, chances are you will pick up plenty of larvae, which you can discard outside of the home or destroy.
Step 4 - Remove Their Food Source. Get rid of all the extra clothes that you don’t need in order to avoid encouraging the carpet beetles to feed on them and give everything else in your house a thorough cleaning. Make sure you wash your pets clothing and bedding as well to rid the surface of extra hair. Remove any birds’ nests near your house; they are a favourite spots for adults to lay their eggs.
Step 5 - Spray an Organic Insect Spray. Finally, give your house a thorough spray to kill any carpet beetles that might still be lurking in your clothes and furniture even after the cleaning. There are solutions especially for carpet beetles that are organic and safe for pets and family

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