Pest Videos - Website Design and Hosting

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Video showing how Rats are neophobic
The two rat videos are 3 minutes long and just two of a few i have. The bait station has been set with a trap, and peanut butter lure, the fence behind the bait station is from a very untidy area behind a garden shed in the garden behind the fence which is also higher. The rats are coming from that area under the fence which has a very small gap beneath it to the bait station. However, the rat is neophobic which means it will be wary of new items for a few days. This is why anything that has been placed in the area with traps etc must be left alone for a few days to encourage the rodents to enter. The rat behaviour is clearly seen on these videos and although you may not see rats in your garden this shows how they can well be there. I love the infra-red showing the rats eyes just glowing. The first part of the second video shows the rat not moving, but it will do after a few moments.
This is a fairly busy wasp nest in a difficult to get at position on the roof. However it shows how intelligent insects and animals really are, to find a "safe" place to make their home.
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