Price Chart - Website Design and Hosting

Website Design and Hosting
Website Design and Hosting
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Our price chart etc showing all prices.
This page is a more in depth description of our price chart.
Unused alterations per month do NOT carry over to the next month, it is just a service we offer due to your business circumstances changing and where you require the website to be altered.
Remember the more you add, the more it costs to build and this may have a knock on to the hosting costs.
Price structure level 1:- Budget website up to 6 separate pages with up to 2 minor alterations per month. (Base price).
Price structure level 2 :- Bronze. Between 7 and up to 10 separate pages and with up to 4 minor alterations per month.
Please remember that if we add several different sections / sliders to a page it normally classes as a new page and will alter the final price. We have several customers that show a few different extensions on one page and as such, an agreed price change to their package was agreed upfront. We do not build a never ending page on a website, we build individual pages of varying lengths.
Although we show add ons to your site a majority of them are already built into our hosting package.
We can also issue SSL Certificates :- which can, boost your google ranking:- A safe and secure site stands a better chance of being ranked by google, protect against fraud:- Your sensitive data encrypted to keep you safe from fraud and phishing, get your padlock:- which will show customers they are safe to make payments and do business with you. These are extras and will increase your monthly hosting and domain rental costs per month, but it will give you peace of mind that if you have any sensitive areas on your website it will be harder for the hackers to obtain the details.
SSL Certificates from £25.00 per month added to hosting fee.
Online Compliance Products :- These are required if you use:- Google Analytics, You Tube Videos, or if you share your sites or have links from your website to any of the social media sites such as linkedin, Facebook, Whatsapp and the many more out there. If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are required by law to have a Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and full Terms & Conditions. Not having these in place can cost you time and money as well as damage the trust your customers have in you. Because we dont have the use of any of these from our sites we have produced our own disclaimer and have been told that as we do not trade or take card payments or details from our customers we are compliant. This is an extra and will increase your monthly hosting and domain rental costs per month, but it will give you peace of mind that if you have any sensitive areas on your website it will be harder for the hackers to obtain the details.
Search engine optimisationost :- Get found on Google sooner than waiting for your website to be found by customer useage only. With this package we can help to boost your website traffic. This is an extra and will increase your monthly hosting and domain rental costs per month.The following are all a standard charge per level. Once the initial website is made you will be limited to the number of changes that can be made to your site depending on the level you purchase.
However any changes required within the first four weeks and within your hosting level will be carried out free of charge, which will ensure that your website looks as you wish it to look.
You will be required to pay 50% deposit for your chosen package plus the first months hosting fee, and pay the remainder of the charge when the design is completed. At the same time you will set up an upfront monthly payment for the hosting via direct debit, which helps you keep smaller monthly outgoings to your business.
Hosting on the budget level is £35.00 per month. Budget:- Cost to build budget level, Initial setup and design costs for the first month £550.00, Plus the first months hosting fee. Number of pages max. 6, Number of minor changes per month 2.
Hosting on the bronze level is £45.00 per month. Bronze:- Cost to build bronze level, Initial setup and design costs for the first month £700.00, Plus the first months hosting fee. Number of pages 7 - max. 10, Number of minor changes per month 4.
SSL Certificates from £25.00 per month. Added to hosting fee.
Online Compliance Products from £18.00 per month. Added to the hosting fee.
Search engine optimisationost from £24.00 per month. Added to your hosting fee. Get found on Google.
Any work carried out on the website outside of the terms of your level will be charged at £60.00 per hour, charges are all pro forma after the first 30 minutes.
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